Reads and Bullet Reviews for Jan 16-23


The Art of Alice and Martin Provensen - Nice collection of the work of the artists who did work for various children's books. 


Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Zero's Journey Vol 0 - cute start. 

Black Death in America  by Tom King - highly recommended.  This short comic details the story of Henry Lincoln Johnson, an African-American veteran of Henry Johnson.

Doctor Strange Vol 1: The Way of the Weird.   - I didn't finish this one.  I liked Zelma, but I found I really didn't care about Strange at all.  

Mile Morales  Vol 1 - Straight out of Brooklyn - this was  excellent.  Love the character.  Love his support system.  Starling was awesome.  

Elvira Mistress of the Dark #1 - This sends Elvira to team up with Mary Shelley.  Nicely done.


Britain's Empire by Richard Gott - this history details the resistant to the British Empire.  In other owrds, Gott details the various rebellions in places like Canada, India, Ireland, and the West Indies.

History of Ancient Egypt - Great Course  - Bob Brier's history is comprehensive and well worth listening to as he loves the topic.

Inside the Montreal Mafia  by Felix Seguin  - part testimony of Andrew Scoppa, part brief history of the Montreal Mafia during the 1990s and 2000s.


A Pocket Full of Rye  by Agatha Christie - Makes good use of the nursey rhyme and the ending is really good.
