What is it with teen boys and prom dates?

Apparently, earlier this week some white teen in a high school you never heard of it did a stunt to ask a famous star to the prom.  On one hand, I admire both the guts of these young men (and it is usually young men) but on the other one hand, the stunts always leave a bad taste in my mouth.
                What the hell does Emma Stone owe this teen?  Nothing.  In fact, one could argue that he capitalizes on the popularity of her last movie to get himself ten minutes of fame.  He gets on the news, he gets written up as far away as Australia.  He admits, to be fair, that he did not simply to get noticed, maybe some free swag or something.
                But that doesn’t really disturb me, outside in a “I know it’s stupid” way.  It’s the reaction more than anything.   Reporters usually end the report with the hint that Stone should so yes.  But, why should he?  How is this anything more than putting public pressure on someone to do what you want?  Take away the fame of the object (and Stone is being treated as an object) would we really be looking at this the same way?  Would the reports think it cute?  Would people be saying that Stone should say yes?
                And why is it usually suburban high schools and young white males?  I know this isn’t all the class.  There was a couple that invented a footballer to their wedding.  But they just sent him an invitation, and it wasn’t news until he showed.  There was no pressure on him.  It’s the reaction, the expectation that not only does Emma Stone owe him answer, but if she was a nice person she would say yes.

                Is this some outgrowth of rape culture?  Am I being too sensitive?
