FYI - Harriet's Bookshop Petition

 Harriet's Bookshop has started a petition to make Harriet Tubman Day a federal holiday.  You can, if you wish, sign it here

Selection of some books about Harriet Tubman:

Harriet: The Moses of her People  by Sarah Bradford.  Most likely the first biography.  Usually you can find an ebook version for free.

The Tubman Train by Doug Peterson.  This book is part of the author's Underground Railroad series.  I haven't read it but it does sound good.

The Tubman Command by Elizabeth Cobbs.  Again, haven't read it, but this book is usually cited as an extremely good.

The a recent biography is Catherine Clinton's Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom.

Additionally, if you have not seen the series Underground, you should watch it.  While Tubman is not in the first season, she is in the second.  She is portrayed by Aisha Hinds (currently in Fox's 911).  Hinds IS Tubman.  There is an episode during the second season where Tubman gives a speech in support of John Brown.  The majority of the episode is Hinds as Tubman giving the speech.  It's a sin she didn't win an Emmy for that episode.
