Weekly Reads Mar 7-13


Fortin-Montreal Museum of Fine Arts


Wonder Woman: Come Back to Me  - this is collected edition of issues that were released in Wal-Mart.  Nice story about Wonder Woman and Etta Candy (whose look in this version is great) saving Steve Trevor.  I love how Wonder Woman is drawn in this series.

Wonder Woman Vol 7 and Vol 8 (2011-2016) - I found the plotting in Vol 8 to be a bit too loose. I do like the full armor look, though.  


Sex and Lies: True Stories of  Women's Intimate Lives in the Arab World by Leila Slimani - Slimani is better know for her fiction, but this book, coming out of the reaction to her book Adele, is a look at women of various ages and classes in Morocco. 


Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories by Ryunouke Akutagawa - I really loved  "Spider Thread" in this collection.

Folklore and Legend

Cantre'r Gwaleod: The Mysterious Legend of the Ancient Sunken Kingdom Known as the Welsh Atlantis - while containing the four most common legends, there is far too much information that is not on topic.

Historical Fiction

An Object of Conviction by Gene Lessard -  The book is about the La Corriveau myth in Quebec.  Lessard's method of looking at the story and the conquest of the French Canadians by the British is a bit not to my test.  However, his highlighting the impact on French Canada is well done.  Recommended. 
